Production Notes

Parts of the Heart is the third feature film from Paul Agusta after The Anniversary Gift (2008) and At The Very Bottom of Everything (2010). This film is a Kinekuma Pictures with Kyo Hayanto, John Badalu and Tommy Wisnu Pratomo as Producers. This project was initiated July 2010 by Paul Agusta. Originally, due to the films story being told in eight chapters, the production was to be conducted in stages.

The first section that we produced was The Game Kiss (the second chapter in the film) which was shot and completed in October of 2010. The Game Kiss was shown as a separate short film in various festivals such as Queer Zagreb 2011, Croatia; Kashish Mumbay Queer Film Festival 2011, India; Q! International Film Festival 2011, Indonesia; Queer Lisboa Film Festival 2011 (In Competition), Portugal; and Hawaii International Film Festival 2011.

With funding from executive producer Christian Razukas, Why isnt Peter Happy? (the last chapter in the film) was the second to be produced in May of 2011. The third to be produced was The Last Time (chapter 5), which was shot in August of 2011 with financial support from Vera Lasut as Executive Producer. Why isnt Peter Happy? Was selected for screening at Jogja NETPAC Asian Film Festival 2011 and shown alongside The Game Kiss at Q! Film Festival 2011. As separate short films, the three shorts have been shown in various local screening venues such as Kineforum Jakarta and Solo Cultural Center.

Through the support of Executive Producer Gerald Herman, the remaining five sections of the film was shot in November 2011. With one month Pre Production and six shooting days.

The World Premiere of Parts of The Heart as a whole will be held as part of the Spectrum section at the 41st International Film Festival Rotterdam 2012 on 1 February 2012.